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Gravel Vinon-sur-Verdon - Vinon-sur-Verdon

Cyklotrasa gravel začínajúca od Vinon-sur-Verdon

Embark on a challenging gravel adventure through the stunning landscapes of Provence.


Cycle through rocky terrain, dense forests, and historic villages as you challenge yourself both mentally and physically. This route offers a true taste of Provence's natural beauty and cultural heritage.

60 km
1065 m
Profil trasy

Zaujímavosti na trase

Štart: Vinon-sur-Verdon Village center
Vinon-sur-Verdon: Ideálna lokalita pre cyklistiku
Vinon-sur-Verdon je obľúbená lokalita pre cyklistiku v Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. Okolie ponúka pekné cyklotrasy a výborne stúpania pre športových nadšencov.
La Tête de l'Aigle425 mVrchol
Gaze out from the high peak and feel on top of the world with expansive views all around.
Collet de la Reinache417 mVrchol
Take a moment to appreciate the quiet serenity and untouched nature of this secluded spot.
Explore the charming village and immerse yourself in the local Provençal way of life.
La Dispute571 mVrchol
Witness the rugged beauty of the landscape as you traverse challenging terrain.
Stop for a break in this picturesque village and enjoy the warm hospitality of the locals.
Pedal through the narrow streets and admire the traditional stone houses along the way.
Bigourdan433 mVrchol
Discover the hidden gem of Bigourdan and feel a sense of peace and tranquility.
Finish your journey back where you started, reflecting on the amazing adventure you've just completed.
Cieľ: Vinon-sur-Verdon Village center
Vinon-sur-Verdon: Ideálna lokalita pre cyklistiku