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Gravel Albino - Monte Bue

Cyklotrasa gravel začínajúca od Albino

Epic gravel cycling adventure with challenging climbs


Embark on a thrilling gravel cycling journey from Albino to the summit of Monte Bue. Pass through Gazzaniga, Clusone, and Endine Gaiano, enjoying the rugged beauty of the Lombardy countryside. Explore the historic town of Castione della Presolana and conquer the challenging Cornàs peak along the way.

98 km
2692 m
Profil trasy

Zaujímavosti na trase

Štart: Albino City center
Albino: Rôznorodé cyklistické možnosti v okolí obce.
Albino je obec v Lombardii s rôznorodými možnosťami pre cyklistiku. Okolie disponuje rôznymi trasami a cestami vhodnými pre cyklistov všetkých úrovní. V blízkosti sú známe cyklotrasy a stúpania, ktoré robia z tohto miesta vhodné miesto pre cykloturistiku.
Gazzaniga is a quaint village known for its historic architecture and scenic beauty.
Colle Petta635 mVrchol
Colle Petta is a peaceful mountain pass surrounded by lush forests and rolling hills.
Clusone is a charming town with a vibrant local culture and historic landmarks to explore.
Il Pisterlino1196 mVrchol
Il Pisterlino is a hidden gem, offering breathtaking views of the Lombardy countryside.
Castione della PresolanaDedina
Castione della Presolana is a picturesque town with a rich history and diverse cultural heritage.
Cornàs920 mVrchol
Cornàs is a challenging climb with stunning views of the surrounding valleys and mountains.
Endine GaianoDedina
Endine Gaiano is a tranquil village known for its natural beauty and peaceful atmosphere.
Monte Bue707 mVrchol
Monte Bue is a popular hiking destination with breathtaking views of the Lombardy region.
Albino is a historic town with a rich cultural heritage and vibrant local community.
Cieľ: Albino City center
Albino: Rôznorodé cyklistické možnosti v okolí obce.