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Cyklotúra cez Robbio, Cameriano a Vespolate

Cyklotrasa road začínajúca od Mortara

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Táto 61 km dlhá cesta ponúka pohodlnú cyklotúru v Lombardsku, s výstupom 59 m. Okrem krásneho prírodného prostredia vás prevedie aj cez historické mestá a dedinky.

61 km
59 m
Profil trasy

Zaujímavosti na trase

Štart: Mortara City center
Mortara: Bustling town with diverse cycling routes
Mortara is a bustling town in Lombardia, Italy, known for its historic architecture and lively atmosphere. As a road cyclist, you can explore the surrounding countryside with flat and rolling terrain, ideal for leisurely rides. Gravel cyclists will appreciate the network of unpaved roads that offer a sense of adventure. Nearby, you can tackle the climb to Montalto and enjoy panoramic views of the Po Valley. Mortara is a great base for exploring the diverse cycling routes in the region.
Navštívte malebné mesto Robbio a vychutnajte si jeho historické pamiatky.
V Cameriane si pozrite jednu z najkrajších kostolov v oblasti.
Zastavte sa v meste Vespolate a ochutnajte miestne špeciality.
Cieľ: Mortara City center
Mortara: Bustling town with diverse cycling routes