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Cervignano d'Adda Explorer

Cyklotrasa road začínajúca od Sordio

Discover the beauty of Cervignano d'Adda and its surroundings on this leisurely road cycling route.


This 62km route with 43m ascent takes you through picturesque villages like Agnadello and Lodi, offering a glimpse into the local culture and heritage. The highlight of the route is the historic town of Dovera and the charming village of Villavesco.

62 km
43 m
Profil trasy

Zaujímavosti na trase

Štart: Sordio Village center
Sordio: Picturesque gravel cycling in Sordio
Sordio is a quaint town surrounded by rolling hills, making it a great destination for gravel cyclists. The area offers a mix of flat and hilly terrain, suitable for riders of all levels. Nearby, you can find the famous climb of Colle Brianza, a challenging ascent that attracts cyclists looking for a tough workout.
Cervignano d'AddaDedina
Explore the hidden gems of Cervignano d'Adda.
Discover the quaint village of Bisnate.
Experience the tranquility of Agnadello.
Enjoy the historic charm of Dovera.
Explore the cultural heritage of Lodi.
Discover the beauty of Villavesco village.
Cieľ: Sordio Village center
Sordio: Picturesque gravel cycling in Sordio