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Gravedona-San Gregorio - Chiavenna Circuit

Cyklistická trasa pro road začínající v Gravedona-San Gregorio

Bike through picturesque villages and stunning mountain views


This road trip offers a challenging ascent with rewarding highlights such as Isola, Monte del Cardinello, and Belvedere di Dalòo. Enjoy the beautiful landscapes of Pianazzo and Campo Mezzola along the way.

122 km
2599 m
Profil trasy

Zajímavosti na trase

Start: Gravedona Village center
Gravedona-San Gregorio: Ideální místo pro cyklisty v Lombardii
Gravedona-San Gregorio je půvabné městečko v Lombardii, které přivítá cyklisty svými malebnými cestami a cyklostezkami. Zdejší krajina je vhodná jak pro silniční, tak gravelová kola. V blízkosti se nachází slavné stoupání Madonna del Ghisallo, které je oblíbené mezi cyklisty.
Discover the charming village of Domaso along the route.
Poggio di San Michele317 mVrchol
Explore the historic site of Poggio di San Michele.
Campo MezzolaVesnice
Pass by Campo Mezzola and admire the natural beauty of the area.
Visit Isola and experience its unique atmosphere.
Monte del Cardinello1856 mVrchol
Reach the summit of Monte del Cardinello with breathtaking views.
Enjoy the scenic landscapes of Pianazzo during your ride.
Belvedere di DalòoVýhled
Take a break at Belvedere di Dalòo and enjoy the panoramic views.
Explore the charming town of Chiavenna during your journey.
Salto delle CapreVýhled
Experience the beauty of Salto delle Capre along the route.
Ponte del PassoVesnice
Cross the historic Ponte del Passo bridge during your ride.
Start and finish your journey in Gravedona.
Cíl: Gravedona Village center
Gravedona-San Gregorio: Ideální místo pro cyklisty v Lombardii