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Road Route from Ossona to Cuggiono

Cyklistická trasa pro road začínající v Ossona

Experience the thrill of road cycling through scenic Italian countryside.


This road route offers a challenging yet rewarding cycling experience, with a mix of flat stretches and hilly terrain. From the charming town of Cilavegna to the historic Robbio, you'll pass through beautiful landscapes and cultural sites. The route takes you through Nibbiola and Trecate, offering stunning views of the countryside and local attractions. As you pedal through the picturesque town of Cuggiono, you'll be immersed in the beauty of rural Italy.

101 km
176 m
Profil trasy

Zajímavosti na trase

Start: Ossona Village center
Ossona: Klidné venkovské cyklostezky a pěkné výhledy.
Ossona je malebná obec v Lombardii s příjemnými cyklostezkami a klidnými venkovskými cestami. Okolní krajina nabízí pěkné výhledy a možnosti pro odpočinek při cyklovýletu. V blízkosti se nachází několik známých kopců, které přitahují cyklisty z celého světa.
Cilavegna is a charming town with a vibrant local culture. Explore its narrow streets and colorful buildings for a taste of authentic Italian life.
Robbio is a historic town with a rich heritage and architectural beauty. Take a moment to admire its ancient buildings and local landmarks.
Nibbiola is a hidden gem with stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Cycle through its scenic roads for a memorable experience.
Trecate is a picturesque town with a peaceful atmosphere and friendly locals. Enjoy a leisurely ride through its historic streets and charming squares.
Finish your journey in Cuggiono, a quaint village with a relaxed ambiance and scenic surroundings. Explore the town's historic sites and enjoy the tranquility of rural Italy.
Cíl: Ossona Village center
Ossona: Klidné venkovské cyklostezky a pěkné výhledy.