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Gravel Tour Around Masserano

Cyklistická trasa pro gravel začínající v Masserano

Explore the beautiful gravel roads near Masserano on this 37km route


Experience the scenic gravel paths around Masserano with a total ascent of 259m. The route takes you through charming villages such as Brusnengo and Rovasenda, offering a unique cycling experience in the Piemonte region.

37 km
259 m
Profil trasy

Zajímavosti na trase

Start: Masserano Village center
Masserano: Malebná vesnice s cyklistickými cestami
Masserano je malebná vesnice v regionu Piemonte v Itálii. Cesty zde jsou vhodné pro silniční kola i gravel biking. V okolí lze objevovat vinice a přírodní krásy.
Ride through the picturesque village of Brusnengo and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.
Monte Pilone408 mVrchol
Take in the stunning views from Monte Pilone, a highlight of this gravel tour.
Discover the historical town of Rovasenda with its traditional architecture and local attractions.
Finish your ride back in Masserano and unwind after a rewarding cycling adventure.
Cíl: Masserano Village center
Masserano: Malebná vesnice s cyklistickými cestami