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Road Route - Agordo to Taibon Agordino

Cyklistická trasa pro road začínající v Agordo

Exciting road route with 5305m ascent and 171km distance


Embark on a thrilling road cycling adventure from Agordo to Taibon Agordino, passing through highlights like Forcella Aurine, Passo Cereda, and San Martino di Castrozza. Enjoy the scenic beauty of Belvedere and Predazzo, with challenging climbs at Passo di Costalunga and Passo Fedaia.

171 km
5305 m
Profil trasy

Zajímavosti na trase

Start: Agordo City center
Agordo: Tranquil cycling retreat with challenging climbs.
Agordo is a picturesque town located in the Veneto region of Italy, known for its rolling hills and peaceful countryside. It offers a mix of paved and gravel roads, making it ideal for road and gravel cyclists looking for a variety of terrain to explore. Nearby, you can find famous climbs such as Passo Giau and Passo Fedaia, which attract cyclists from around the world.
Start your journey in the charming town of Agordo.
Forcella Aurine1299 mPrůsmyk
Forcella Aurine offers a challenging climb with panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.
Passo Cereda1369 mPrůsmyk
Passo Cereda provides stunning vistas of the Dolomites.
Siror is a quaint village to explore along the route.
San Martino di CastrozzaVesnice
San Martino di Castrozza offers a picturesque setting for your cycling adventure.
Belvedere provides panoramic views and a scenic route for cyclists.
Predazzo showcases the beauty of the Italian countryside.
Moena is a charming village to visit during your cycling tour.
Passo di Costalunga - Karerpass1745 mPrůsmyk
Passo di Costalunga - Karerpass offers a challenging climb with rewarding views.
Canazei - CianaceiVesnice
Canazei - Cianacei is a lovely stop along the road route.
Passo Fedaia2057 mPrůsmyk
Passo Fedaia provides breathtaking views and a memorable climb for cyclists.
Malga CiapelaVesnice
Malga Ciapela is a scenic spot with beautiful mountain views.
Col dai Pióge1320 mVýhled z vrcholu
Col dai Pióge offers stunning vistas and a rewarding stop along the road route.
Cencenighe AgordinoVesnice
Cencenighe Agordino is a charming town to explore during your cycling journey.
Taibon AgordinoVesnice
Taibon Agordino provides a scenic finish to your road cycling adventure.
Cíl: Agordo City center
Agordo: Tranquil cycling retreat with challenging climbs.

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