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Gravel Adventure in Veneto

Cyklistická trasa pro gravel začínající v Bagnoli di Sopra

Embark on a gravel cycling adventure through the scenic countryside near Bagnoli di Sopra.


This gravel cycling route offers a thrilling adventure for cyclists looking to explore off-road trails near Bagnoli di Sopra. Highlights include the picturesque village of Arre, the charming town of Piove di Sacco, the scenic Lova and Correzzola villages, as well as the historic village of Agna. Enjoy the rugged terrain and stunning views as you pedal through the beautiful Veneto countryside.

90 km
38 m
Profil trasy

Zajímavosti na trase

Start: Bagnoli di Sopra Village center
Bagnoli di Sopra: Cyklistický ráj ve vinné oblasti Veneto.
Bagnoli di Sopra je krásné městečko v italském Veneto s malebnými cyklistickými trasami a možnostmi k objevování okolních vinic. Oblast je známá pro své úžasné cyklistické výhledy a klidnou atmosféru.
Explore the historic village of Arre.
Piove di SaccoMěsto
Discover the charming town of Piove di Sacco during your gravel adventure.
Take in the scenic views from the village of Lova.
Pedal through the picturesque village of Correzzola.
Visit the historic village of Agna.
Cíl: Bagnoli di Sopra Village center
Bagnoli di Sopra: Cyklistický ráj ve vinné oblasti Veneto.