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Gravel - Monte Castelìr Loop

Cyklistická trasa pro gravel začínající v Onigo

Explore the challenging Monte Castelìr route with stunning views and exciting terrain.


Embark on a thrilling 87km gravel journey with 2007m ascent, passing through Feltre and Col di Cimia. Experience the picturesque landscapes of Monte Crep and Bigolino, then conquer the final stretch at Col Carpenon.

87 km
2007 m
Profil trasy

Zajímavosti na trase

Start: Levada Village center
Onigo: Prostředí obklopené kopci a vinicemi
Onigo je klidná obec obklopená kopci a vinicemi, což je ideální prostředí pro cyklisty. V okolí lze absolvovat několik malebných tras a výletů, a navštívit také známé stoupání Monte Grappa.
Monte Castelìr440 mVrchol
Admire the breathtaking panoramic views from Monte Castelìr.
Col Filip562 mVrchol
Feel the rush as you ascend Col Filip, a challenging but rewarding climb.
Discover the historic town of Feltre nestled in the scenic landscape.
Col di Cimia444 mVrchol
Challenge yourself with the ascent to Col di Cimia for a memorable cycling experience.
Monte Crep1350 mVýhled
Experience the natural beauty of Monte Crep on your gravel adventure.
Enjoy the serene surroundings as you pass through the charming village of Bigolino.
Col Carpenon235 mVrchol
Conquer the final highlight at Col Carpenon, ending your journey on a high note.
Cíl: Levada Village center
Onigo: Prostředí obklopené kopci a vinicemi