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Razen gravel kolesarska pot do Tadten

Kolesarska pot gravel, ki se začne od Andau

Raziščite pokrajino ob meji med Andauom in Tadtenom


Na tej poti boste doživeli čudovito naravo ob meji, ki vas bo prevzela s svojimi skritimi kotički in slikovitimi razgledi. Uživajte v miru in tišini ter opazujte ptice in živali v njihovem naravnem okolju.

54 km
27 m
Profil poti

Poudarki na poti

Začetek: Andau Village center
Andau: Peaceful cycling through the vineyards of Burgenland.
Andau is a charming town in Burgenland, Austria, surrounded by flat and picturesque landscapes, making it ideal for leisurely cycling outings. Cyclists can enjoy peaceful rides through the countryside, passing by vineyards and small villages along the way. Andau is located near the Neusiedler See Lake, offering cyclists the opportunity to explore its shores and nature reserves. The town provides a relaxing and scenic setting for cyclists looking to unwind and soak in the beauty of Burgenland.
Obiščite slikovit Andau in se sprehodite ob obali jezera.
Old Border Guard Watchtower (temporarily closed)Razgledna točka
Oglejte si stari opazovalni stolp na meji, ki vas bo popeljal nazaj v preteklost.
Obiščite mirno vasico Veszkény in se prepustite sproščujočemu vzdušju.
Pojdite na izlet v Házhely in uživate v lepotah narave.
Raziščite slikovito vasico Tadten in se ustavite v domači restavraciji.
Konec: Andau Village center
Andau: Peaceful cycling through the vineyards of Burgenland.