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Chalamont - Poncin - Chalamont

Kolesarska pot road, ki se začne od Chalamont

Exploring the scenic route from Chalamont to Poncin and back


This road cycling route offers a challenging ascent of 784m over 85km, taking you through picturesque villages like Dompierre-sur-Veyle, Villereversure, and Poncin. Enjoy the beautiful landscapes and charming countryside of Rhône-Alpes region as you pedal through this hilly terrain. Perfect for cyclists looking for a mix of nature and small-town charm.

85 km
784 m
Profil poti

Poudarki na poti

Začetek: Chalamont Village center
Chalamont: Priljubljena lokaliteta za cestno kolesarjenje v regiji Rhône-Alpes.
Chalamont je prijetna lokaliteta za cestno kolesarjenje z lepimi pokrajinami in ravno dovolj izzivov. V bližini so dobro znane vzpone, ki privabljajo kolesarje iz celega sveta.
Experience the quaint village of Dompierre-sur-Veyle with its historic architecture and peaceful atmosphere.
Col de la Chaise420 mGorski Prehod
Reach the summit of Col de la Chaise and enjoy breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding area.
Pass through the charming village of Villereversure and discover its unique blend of history and local culture.
Explore the idyllic town of Poncin, known for its traditional French architecture and friendly locals.
Visit the historic village of Châtillon-la-Palud and immerse yourself in its rich heritage and vibrant community.
La ChavetièreZaselak
Discover La Chavetière, a hidden gem along the route with stunning natural scenery and tranquil surroundings.
Konec: Chalamont Village center
Chalamont: Priljubljena lokaliteta za cestno kolesarjenje v regiji Rhône-Alpes.