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Gravel Route: Altare Loop

Kolesarska pot gravel, ki se začne od Altare

Explore the gravel roads near Altare on this challenging loop route


Embark on a thrilling gravel adventure starting from Altare, with a total ascent of 1091m over 38km. Ride through picturesque landscapes and enjoy the peaceful surroundings of Liguria. Discover hidden gems along the way and test your cycling skills on varied terrain. A perfect choice for gravel enthusiasts seeking a thrilling cycling experience in Italy.

38 km
1091 m
Profil poti

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Začetek: Altare Village center
Altare: Mirno kolesarjenje med griči in gozdovi
Altare je mirno mesto v Liguriji, ki nudi edinstvene možnosti za kolesarjenje med griči in gozdnatimi potmi. Kolesarji lahko uživajo v čudovitem razgledu na okoliško pokrajino in se preizkusijo na različnih terenih. V bližini Altareja so dobro znani kolesarski cilji in izzivalni vzponi za gorske kolesarje.
Bocchetta di Altare459 mGorski Prehod
Experience the stunning views from Bocchetta di Altare, a perfect spot for a short break
Pedal through the charming town of Quiliano and discover its historical landmarks
Colla del Termine662 mGorski Prehod
Reach the scenic Colla del Termine and enjoy the panoramic vistas of the surrounding countryside
Bric Dol554 mVrh
Conquer the challenging climb to Bric Dol and be rewarded with breathtaking views
Konec: Altare Village center
Altare: Mirno kolesarjenje med griči in gozdovi