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Scenic road tour around Bellagio

Kolesarska pot road, ki se začne od Bellagio

A 100 km road cycling adventure with breathtaking views


Embark on a challenging road tour starting in Bellagio and covering 100 km with a total ascent of 2303m. Highlights include the stunning Punta di Spartivento, the picturesque Preguda, and the historic Madonna del Soldo. This route offers a mix of challenging climbs and rewarding descents, making it ideal for road cycling enthusiasts seeking a scenic tour of Lombardia.

100 km
2303 m
Profil poti

Poudarki na poti

Začetek: Bellagio Village center
Bellagio: Kolesarjenje po okolici Bellagia
Bellagio je priljubljeno turistično mesto ob jezeru Como v Lombardiji. Kolesarji se radi ustavijo v Bellagiu in se podajo na različne kolesarske izlete po okoliških gričih in vasicah. Mesto je znano po svoji slikoviti arhitekturi in romantičnem vzdušju.
Start your journey in the picturesque town of Bellagio, known for its elegant architecture and stunning lake views.
Punta di SpartiventoRazgledna točka
Admire the beauty of Punta di Spartivento, a scenic stop along the route that offers panoramic views of Lake Como.
PregudaRazgledna točka
Cycle through the charming village of Preguda and explore its historic landmarks and local culture.
Pass through Valmadrera, a town surrounded by lush greenery and offering beautiful views of Lake Como.
Poggio Stolegarda300 mVrh
Climb up Poggio Stolegarda for stunning vistas of the surrounding mountains and countryside.
Discover the village of Barzanò, with its traditional architecture and welcoming atmosphere.
Explore the town of Cantù, known for its historic buildings and artisanal craftsmanship.
Visit the charming town of Blevio, located on the shores of Lake Como and offering scenic views of the lake and surrounding hills.
Madonna del SoldoRazgledna točka
Admire the historic Madonna del Soldo church and its architectural beauty, set against a backdrop of rolling hills and vineyards.
Cycle through the village of Lezzeno, with its narrow streets and traditional houses overlooking the lake.
TerraceRazgledna točka
End your ride at Terrace and relax while taking in the breathtaking views of Lake Como and the surrounding mountains.
Konec: Bellagio Village center
Bellagio: Kolesarjenje po okolici Bellagia