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Epic Lombardia Adventure

Kolesarska pot gravel, ki se začne od Carimate

Embark on a challenging gravel adventure through Legnano and Tradate.


This 114 km gravel route with 856m of ascent will take you through the historic towns of Legnano, Casorate Sempione, and Carnago. Enjoy the scenic countryside and picturesque villages along the way. Don't miss the opportunity to visit Vizzola Ticino and Bulgarograsso for a true Lombardia experience.

114 km
856 m
Profil poti

Poudarki na poti

Začetek: Montesolaro Village center
Carimate: Kolesarjenje za vse nivoje izkušenj v Carimate
Carimate je majhno mesto v Lombardiji, ki je idealno izhodišče za raziskovanje okoliških kolesarskih poti. Tu lahko najdete ceste za vse vrste kolesarjev, od začetnikov do izkušenih profesionalcev. V bližini so tudi nekateri znani kolesarski vzponi, ki vabijo k izzivom in raziskovanju novih terenov.
Discover the charm of Rovellasca.
Explore the historic town of Legnano.
Vizzola TicinoZaselak
Enjoy the beautiful scenery of Vizzola Ticino.
Casorate SempioneVas
Take in the sights of Casorate Sempione.
Visit the picturesque village of Carnago.
Experience the history of Tradate.
Explore the charming town of Bulgarograsso.
Finish your journey in the lovely Carimate.
Konec: Montesolaro Village center
Carimate: Kolesarjenje za vse nivoje izkušenj v Carimate