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Mountain Gravel Challenge

Kolesarska pot gravel, ki se začne od Delebio

Conquer the rugged mountain trails of Lombardia on this 45 km gravel cycling route.


From Delebio to Nuova Olonio, this challenging route features steep ascents, technical descents, and breathtaking mountain views. With a total ascent of 1779 meters, this trail is suitable for experienced riders seeking an adrenaline-filled adventure in the heart of nature.

45 km
1779 m
Profil poti

Poudarki na poti

Začetek: Delebio Village center
Delebio: Uživanje v naravi s kolesom v Delebiu
Delebio je majhno mesto v Lombardiji z nekaj cestnimi potmi za kolesarjenje. Okolica je primerna za sproščujoče vožnje in uživanje v naravi. Če iščete mirno okolje za kolesarjenje, je Delebio dobra izbira.
Delebio serves as the starting point for this thrilling mountain gravel challenge.
TracciolinoRazgledna točka
Tracciolino is a historic mule track carved into the mountainside, offering a unique cycling experience.
Codera is a remote mountain hamlet with traditional stone buildings and stunning alpine scenery.
Piz Tripartusa1674 mVrh
Piz Tripartusa offers a challenging climb with rewarding panoramic views at the summit.
Campo MezzolaVas
Campo Mezzola is a picturesque village with lush forests and rolling hills, perfect for a peaceful break.
Nuova OlonioVas
Nuova Olonio is a charming town surrounded by spectacular mountain landscapes and pristine nature.
Konec: Delebio Village center
Delebio: Uživanje v naravi s kolesom v Delebiu