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Dervio - Sasso Rosso - Zucco della Colla - Taceno - Pradello - Castello - Dervio

Kolesarska pot road, ki se začne od Dervio

Challenge yourself with steep ascents and rewarding descents on this road cycling route.


Pedal through the rugged terrain of Sasso Rosso, enjoy the panoramic views from Zucco della Colla, and explore the charming village of Castello. The route offers a mix of challenging climbs and thrilling descents.

44 km
1318 m
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Začetek: Corenno Plinio Village center
Dervio: Kolesarjenje ob jezeru Como in čudoviti pokrajini.
Dervio je priljubljena destinacija za kolesarje, saj se nahaja ob obali jezera Como in ponuja čudovite razglede. Obstajajo številni kolesarski poti v okolici, ki vodijo skozi slikovite vasi in hribe.
Start your journey in the picturesque town of Dervio.
Sasso Rosso1294 mRazgledna točka
Admire the stunning views from the peak of Sasso Rosso.
Zucco della Colla645 mVrh
Take in the breathtaking scenery from Zucco della Colla.
Explore the village of Taceno and its surrounding beauty.
Enjoy a scenic ride through the peaceful village of Pradello.
Discover the historic charm of Castello during your cycling journey.
Konec: Corenno Plinio Village center
Dervio: Kolesarjenje ob jezeru Como in čudoviti pokrajini.