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Gravel route from Dongo

Kolesarska pot gravel, ki se začne od Dongo

Explore the hills around Dongo on a thrilling gravel adventure.


This 35 km gravel route with 368 m of ascent takes you through the charming villages of Vercana and Trezzone, offering stunning views of Lake Como. Don't miss the historic Motto di San Giorgio and the panoramic Poggio di San Michele along the way.

35 km
368 m
Profil poti

Poudarki na poti

Začetek: San Gregorio Village center
Dongo: Kolesarski raj v Dongo z bližino slavnih vzponov.
Dongo je prijetna vasica v Lombardiji s številnimi cestami primernimi za kolesarjenje. V bližini so znani vzponi, ki privabljajo kolesarje iz celega sveta.
Enjoy the picturesque village of Vercana with its narrow streets and traditional architecture.
Motto di San Giorgio315 mVrh
Discover the ancient Motto di San Giorgio, a hidden gem with breathtaking views.
Poggio di San Michele317 mVrh
Climb to the top of Poggio di San Michele for panoramic vistas of the surrounding landscape.
Pass through the quaint village of Trezzone and take in the peaceful atmosphere.
Reach the summit of Piumona and enjoy a well-deserved break with stunning views.
Konec: San Gregorio Village center
Dongo: Kolesarski raj v Dongo z bližino slavnih vzponov.