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Menaggio - San Fedele Intelvi Gravel Cycling Route

Kolesarska pot gravel, ki se začne od Menaggio

A rugged gravel route with challenging climbs and scenic views of the Alps.


Embark on a gravel adventure from Menaggio to San Fedele Intelvi, passing by Dizzasco and Sasso Gordona along the way. Climb up to Passo Bonello and enjoy the rugged terrain, with a final descent towards Loveno covering 73 km.

73 km
2752 m
Profil poti

Poudarki na poti

Začetek: Nobiallo Village center
Menaggio: Kolesarjenje ob jezeru Como
Menaggio je priljubljeno turistično mesto ob jezeru Como v Lombardiji. Kolesarji se radi ustavijo v Menaggiu in raziskujejo čudovite obrežne poti ob jezeru. Lokalnost je dostopna in primerna za vse vrste kolesarjenja.
Begin your journey in Menaggio and marvel at the beauty of Lake Como.
Dosso di Lavedo329 mVrh
Challenge yourself with the climb to Dosso di Lavedo and enjoy the panoramic vistas.
Discover the village of Dizzasco and its charming atmosphere.
Sasso Gordona1410 mVrh
Ascend to Sasso Gordona and take in the rugged beauty of the gravel paths.
Experience the wild nature of Muggio and immerse yourself in the surroundings.
Passo Bonello1105 mGorski Prehod
Conquer Passo Bonello and admire the stunning views from the top.
San Fedele IntelviVas
Pass through San Fedele Intelvi and explore the local culture.
MirandolaRazgledna točka
Visit the hamlet of Mirandola and discover its hidden treasures.
Finish your ride in Loveno and relax in the peaceful town surroundings.
Konec: Nobiallo Village center
Menaggio: Kolesarjenje ob jezeru Como