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Iz Pero v Lombardiji

Kolesarska pot road, ki se začne od Pero

Dolga cestna kolesarska pot s čudovitimi razgledi in številnimi zanimivimi postanki.


Ta 125-kilometrska cestna pot vas popelje skozi slikovito pokrajino Lombardije, do Monte Stelle in ob reki Pavia. Pot vas vodi skozi zgodovinske kraje, kot so Gropello Cairoli in Settimo Milanese.

125 km
206 m
Profil poti

Poudarki na poti

Začetek: Pero City center
Pero: Scenic routes for cyclists of varying abilities in a peaceful setting.
Pero is a town in Lombardia, Italy, with some decent road and gravel cycling opportunities. The area features a mix of flat terrain and gentle climbs, making it suitable for cyclists of varying abilities. Pero is surrounded by picturesque landscapes and offers peaceful routes for riders to explore. However, the lack of challenging climbs might not appeal to more experienced cyclists seeking a tougher workout. The town itself has a pleasant atmosphere and some cultural attractions for visitors to enjoy after a day of cycling.
Monte Stella185 mVrh
Monte Stella je gorska vzpetina z osupljivim razgledom na okolico.
Ronchetto delle RaneVas
Ronchetto delle Rane je naravni park s pestrim rastlinjem in živalstvom.
Univerzitetno mesto Pavia s svojo bogato zgodovino in kulturo.
Gropello CairoliMesto
Gropello Cairoli je slikovita vasica s starodavnimi zgradbami.
Bereguardo je znan po svojem srednjeveškem stolpu.
Gudo ViscontiVas
Gudo Visconti je zgodovinsko pomembno mesto s številnimi znamenitostmi.
Settimo MilaneseMesto
Settimo Milanese je tipično italijansko mesto s prijetno atmosfero.
Pero je začetna in končna točka te poti.
Konec: Pero City center
Pero: Scenic routes for cyclists of varying abilities in a peaceful setting.