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Cavaglià - Alice Castello Gravel Cycling Route

Kolesarska pot gravel, ki se začne od Borgo d'Ale

Scenic gravel cycling route through picturesque countryside and historic sites.


This gravel cycling route starting near Cavaglià takes you through the charming village of Brianco before arriving in Alice Castello. The highlight of the route is the peaceful ride through vineyards and fields, offering a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. With gentle climbs and scenic vistas, this route is perfect for gravel biking enthusiasts looking for a leisurely yet rewarding ride.

26 km
119 m
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Začetek: Alice Castello Village center
Borgo d'Ale: Udobno kolesarjenje po manj obljudenih cestah v Borgo d'Ale.
Borgo d'Ale je majhno mesto v Piemontu, primerno za kolesarjenje po manj prometnih cestah. Okolica ponuja nekaj ravnih poti in nezahtevnih vzponov. Za bolj izkušene kolesarje so v bližini tudi izzivalni kolesarski vzponi.
Discover the hidden treasures of Cavaglià and its surrounding countryside, filled with lush greenery and rolling hills.
Explore the historic village of Brianco with its ancient churches and traditional architecture.
Alice CastelloVas
End your journey in Alice Castello and unwind in the peaceful ambiance of this charming village.
Konec: Alice Castello Village center
Borgo d'Ale: Udobno kolesarjenje po manj obljudenih cestah v Borgo d'Ale.