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Gravel Route around Masserano

Kolesarska pot gravel, ki se začne od Masserano

Discover the picturesque gravel route with almost 1000m of ascent


Explore the charming villages of Castelletto Cervo, Cavaglià, Viverone, Sandigliano and return to Masserano after an 81km adventure. The route offers stunning views of the Piemonte region and is a true hidden gem for gravel biking enthusiasts.

81 km
957 m
Profil poti

Poudarki na poti

Začetek: Masserano Village center
Masserano: Mirne ceste za sproščeno kolesarjenje
Masserano je mirna vasica v pokrajini Piemont v Italiji. Okolica nudi lepe ceste primerno za kolesarjenje, vendar ni znanih kolesarskih vzponov v neposredni bližini. Primerno za sproščeno kolesarjenje stran od množice.
Castelletto CervoVas
Enjoy the medieval charm of Castelletto Cervo
Pass through Cavaglià and admire the historic architecture
Take a break at Lake Viverone and soak in the tranquil surroundings
Visit the quaint town of Sandigliano on your cycling journey
Finish your ride back in Masserano
Konec: Masserano Village center
Masserano: Mirne ceste za sproščeno kolesarjenje