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Valenza-Quargnento-Felizzano Loop

Kolesarska pot road, ki se začne od Valenza

Explore the charming towns and rolling hills of Piemonte region on this scenic road cycling route.


Discover the picturesque Valle San Bartolomeo, quaint Cassine, and historic Tacconotti on this 104 km journey with 478 m of ascent. Enjoy the serene beauty of Felizzano and the cultural richness of Quargnento before reaching the ancient San Salvatore Monferrato. This route promises a delightful mix of nature and heritage, perfect for a day of exploration.

104 km
478 m
Profil poti

Poudarki na poti

Začetek: Valenza City center
Valenza: Odkrivajte bogato zgodovino in arhitekturo mesta Valenza na svojih kolesih.
Valenza je mesto v regiji Piemonte v Italiji, znano po svoji bogati zgodovini in arhitekturi. Čeprav ni posebej prilagojeno za kolesarjenje, kolesarji lahko uživajo v raziskovanju znamenitosti mesta in okolice ter se naužijejo kulturnih vtisov.
Valle San BartolomeoVas
Cycle through Valle San Bartolomeo amidst vineyards and olive groves.
Don't miss the stunning views over the Piemonte countryside from the town of Frugarolo.
Discover the charming streets and traditional architecture of Cassine.
Admire the ancient buildings and historical landmarks in the town of Tacconotti.
Experience the peaceful atmosphere and local culture of Felizzano.
Explore the cultural heritage and scenic beauty of Quargnento.
San Salvatore MonferratoVas
Immerse yourself in the medieval charm and rich history of San Salvatore Monferrato.
Konec: Valenza City center
Valenza: Odkrivajte bogato zgodovino in arhitekturo mesta Valenza na svojih kolesih.