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Sfida tra le vette delle Prealpi

Un percorso ciclistico road che parte da Lodrino

Esplora panorami epici e discese avvincenti nella terra di Lombardia


Con 157 km di panorama spettacolare tra le Prealpi lombarde, da Gardone Val Trompia fino a Invico, questo percorso offre emozioni uniche attraverso paesaggi mozzafiato e vette panoramiche. Un'esperienza ciclistica indimenticabile per gli amanti delle grandi sfide e delle viste mozzafiato.

157 km
2558 m
Profilo del percorso

Punti salienti sulla rotta

Partenza: Lodrino Village center
Lodrino: Goditi la pace e la natura delle colline lombarde
Lodrino è una località tranquilla immersa nel verde delle colline lombarde, con percorsi ciclabili adatti a tutti i livelli. Le strade panoramiche e i sentieri sterrati offrono un'ottima opportunità per esplorare la natura circostante in bicicletta. Nei dintorni si trova il Parco delle Cascate di Molina, una destinazione affascinante per una gita in bici.
Dosso della Guarda673 mPicco
Dosso della Guarda, a challenging climb along the route, rewards cyclists with breathtaking views at the summit and a thrilling descent on the other side.
Gardone Val TrompiaCittà
Gardone Val Trompia, a picturesque village nestled in the hills, offers cyclists stunning views of the surrounding landscape and a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
Villa CarcinaCittà
Villa Carcina, a charming town along the route, invites cyclists to explore its historic sites and enjoy the local cuisine.
Passo della Forcella310 mPasso di montagna
Passo della Forcella, a challenging climb with stunning views, provides cyclists with a sense of accomplishment and a chance to rest and refuel before continuing their journey.
Ospitaletto, a charming village nestled in the valley, offers cyclists a peaceful retreat and a chance to explore the local culture and traditions.
Chiari, a historic town along the route, invites cyclists to explore its winding streets and discover the local architectural heritage.
Chiuduno, a picturesque village nestled in the hills, offers cyclists a peaceful retreat and a chance to explore the local countryside.
BelvederePunto panoramico
Belvedere, a hidden gem along the route, surprises cyclists with its stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.
Pizzo di Quaglia470 mPicco
Pizzo di Quaglia, a challenging climb with rewarding views, offers cyclists a sense of achievement and a chance to unwind at the summit.
Borgo di TerzoVillaggio
Borgo di Terzo, a charming village along the route, invites cyclists to explore its historic center and discover the local culture and traditions.
Punto panoramicoPunto panoramico
Punto panoramico, a scenic overlook along the route, provides cyclists with stunning views of the surrounding landscape and a chance to rest and refuel before continuing their journey.
Costa VolpinoVillaggio
Costa Volpino, a charming town on the shores of Lake Iseo, offers cyclists a relaxing break with its picturesque waterfront and local attractions.
Fraine, a scenic spot along the route, provides cyclists with stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys, a perfect place to stop and enjoy the view.
Colle di San Zeno1418 mPasso di montagna
Colle di San Zeno, a challenging climb with rewarding views, offers cyclists a sense of accomplishment and a chance to rest and refuel before continuing their journey.
Pezzaze, a picturesque village nestled in the mountains, offers cyclists stunning views of the surrounding landscape and a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
Monte Crestole697 mPicco
Monte Crestole, a challenging climb along the route, rewards cyclists with panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys at the summit.
Invico, a picturesque village nestled in the hills, offers cyclists stunning views of the surrounding landscape and a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
Arrivo: Lodrino Village center
Lodrino: Goditi la pace e la natura delle colline lombarde

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