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Brondello - Castello della Manta Path

Pyöräilyreitti road alkaen Piasco

Discover the historic sites and natural beauty of Piemonte on this road cycling journey


Cycle through Brondello, Rifreddo, and Sanfront on this challenging route. Visit the impressive landmarks like Brondello and Rifreddo for a taste of local culture and history. Don't miss the historic sites like Sanfront and Castello della Manta along the way.

75 km
1147 m
Reitin profiili

Reitin kohokohdat

Aloitus: Piasco Village center
Piasco: Idyllinen kylä upeilla pyöräilymahdollisuuksilla
Piasco on idyllinen kylä, joka tarjoaa mahtavia pyöräilymahdollisuuksia niin maantielle kuin soratiellekin. Lähialueelta löytyy myös haastavia pyöräilyreittejä ja tunnettuja kiipeilykohtia, jotka houkuttelevat aktiivisia pyöräilijöitä.
Brondello is a charming village with picturesque views and historic architecture.
Rifreddo is a small town known for its beautiful churches and friendly locals.
Sanfront is a hidden gem with stunning views of the surrounding countryside and a vibrant cultural scene.
Castello della MantaLinna
Castello della Manta is a historic castle with fascinating architecture and a rich history.
Maali: Piasco Village center
Piasco: Idyllinen kylä upeilla pyöräilymahdollisuuksilla