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Brissago - Cannobio - Vogogna - Ascona Loop

Pyöräilyreitti road alkaen Brissago

Picturesque road cycling route passing through charming towns and scenic landscapes


This 120 km road cycling loop starting from Brissago takes you through the beautiful towns of Cannobio, Vogogna, and Ascona. Along the way, you will enjoy stunning views of the surrounding mountains and Lake Maggiore. The route includes challenging ascents and thrilling descents, making it ideal for experienced cyclists looking for a scenic adventure.

120 km
2736 m
Reitin profiili

Reitin kohokohdat

Aloitus: Brissago Village center
Brissago: Upeat maisemat ja haastavat nousut Ticinossa
Brissago sijaitsee Ticinon alueella ja tarjoaa upeita näkymiä järvelle ja vuorille. Alueella on useita pyöräreittejä, jotka sopivat niin aloittelijoille kuin kokeneemmillekin pyöräilijöille. Lähellä sijaitsevat kuuluisat Monte Tamaro ja Monte Generoso -vuoret, jotka houkuttelevat pyöräilijöitä haastaviin nousuihin.
Cannobio is a charming town on the shores of Lake Maggiore, known for its historic buildings and picturesque waterfront. Take a break here and enjoy the local cuisine and relaxing atmosphere.
Oggebbio is a peaceful village with stunning views of Lake Maggiore and the surrounding mountains. Stop here to admire the scenery and recharge before continuing your ride.
Mergozzo is a quaint village nestled at the foot of a mountain, with a picturesque lake and charming streets to explore. Take a moment to relax by the water and soak in the peaceful atmosphere.
Vogogna is a historic town with a well-preserved medieval center, featuring ancient buildings and narrow cobblestone streets. Explore the town's cultural heritage and immerse yourself in its timeless charm.
Masera is a small village surrounded by lush greenery, offering a tranquil setting for a rest stop. Take a breather here and enjoy the peaceful ambiance before continuing your journey.
spartiacque Melezzo occidentale/Melezzo orientale825 mVuoristosola
The spartiacque Melezzo occidentale/Melezzo orientale is a scenic ridge offering panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. Take a moment to admire the breathtaking scenery and capture some memorable photos.
Borgnone is a charming village perched on a hilltop, with stunning views of the surrounding landscape. Explore the narrow streets and historic buildings, and take in the peaceful atmosphere of this hidden gem.
Ponte RomanoNäköalapaikka
Ponte Romano is a historic Roman bridge spanning a river, with intricate stone arches and ancient ruins. Stop here to marvel at the engineering feat and imagine the bridge's storied past.
Balladrum is a scenic spot with panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. Take a moment to appreciate the natural beauty and tranquility of this peaceful location.
Ronco sopra AsconaKylä
Ronco sopra Ascona is a charming village perched on a hillside, overlooking Lake Maggiore and the surrounding mountains. Enjoy the stunning views and serene atmosphere before continuing your ride.
Maali: Brissago Village center
Brissago: Upeat maisemat ja haastavat nousut Ticinossa