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Gravel Route to Albano Sant'Alessandro

Trasa rowerowa o rodzaju gravel rozpoczynająca się w miejscowości Verdello

Discover the charming town of Albano Sant'Alessandro on this gravel road cycling adventure near Verdello.


This 47 km round-trip route is perfect for gravel bike enthusiasts looking to explore the scenic countryside of Lombardia. With a manageable ascent of 125m, you'll have the opportunity to visit historic landmarks such as Colle Tomenone and Urgnano. The highlight of the route is Comun Nuovo, where you can take a break and enjoy the picturesque surroundings. Whether you're a local cyclist or a tourist seeking a unique cycling experience, this route offers a perfect blend of nature and culture.

47 km
125 m
Profil trasy

Najważniejsze punkty na trasie

Start: Verdello Village center
Verdello: Różnorodne trasy rowerowe w uroczym miasteczku.
Verdello to urocze miasteczko w regionie Lombardia we Włoszech. Dla miłośników jazdy na rowerze oferuje różnorodne trasy oraz ciekawe miejsca do zwiedzania. W okolicy znajdują się także znane podjazdy rowerowe, które mogą stanowić wyzwanie dla doświadczonych kolarzy.
Comun NuovoWioska
Comun Nuovo is a quaint village nestled in the Lombardia countryside, offering a peaceful setting for cyclists to relax and take in the beauty of the region.
Albano Sant'AlessandroWioska
Albano Sant'Alessandro is a historic town with charming architecture and cultural heritage, making it a must-visit destination for cyclists exploring the area.
Colle Tomenone370 mPunkt widokowy na szczycie
Colle Tomenone is a scenic spot along the route where cyclists can enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscape, providing a perfect photo opportunity.
Urgnano is a picturesque town known for its medieval architecture and rich history, making it a fascinating stop for cyclists looking to immerse themselves in the local culture.
Miejsce docelowe: Verdello Village center
Verdello: Różnorodne trasy rowerowe w uroczym miasteczku.

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