Cover image

Andritz - Kanzelkogel - Gratkorn - Kugelstein - Frohnleiten - Heuberg - Tyrnau - Rechberg - Schöckl - Buchniklkogel - Stattegg - Andritz

A gravel cycling route starting from Andritz

Embark on a challenging gravel ride through the stunning landscapes of Steiermark on this 81-km route starting from Andritz.


With a total ascent of 2,093 meters, this route provides a gratifying cycling experience for intermediate to advanced riders. Highlights include the breathtaking views from the summits of Kanzelkogel and Schöckl, the charming market town of Gratkorn, and the historic castle of Rechberg. This is an unforgettable journey through picturesque countryside and scenic mountains.

81 km
2093 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Locality center
Andritz: Cycling Heaven in Steiermark
Andritz, located in Steiermark, Austria, is a cyclist's dream destination. The region offers a variety of cycling routes, from challenging mountainous terrains to flat countryside paths. Andritz is home to the famous Schöckl mountain, a legendary climb drawing cyclists from far and wide. With its well-developed cycling infrastructure and breathtaking landscapes, Andritz is a must-visit for any cyclist seeking an exhilarating and scenic adventure.
Take in the awe-inspiring views from the top of Kanzelkogel, offering panoramic vistas of rolling hills and vineyards.
Explore the market town of Gratkorn and discover its picturesque streets, traditional houses, and captivating folk traditions.
Kugelstein538 mPeak
Marvel at the impressive Kugelstein rock formation and learn about its natural geological significance.
Immerse yourself in the history and culture of Frohnleiten, a charming town with well-preserved medieval buildings and a vibrant marketplace.
Heuberg941 mPeak
Climb to the top of Heuberg and take in the panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.
Discover the charming village of Tyrnau and take a relaxing break by the picturesque Tyrnauer Bach.
Admire the grandeur of the medieval castle of Rechberg, one of the oldest fortified structures in Steiermark.
Schöckl1445 mPeak
Challenge yourself on the demanding climb up Schöckl Mountain, a legendary spot for local cyclists.
Buchniklkogel771 mPeak
Experience the tranquility of Buchniklkogel, offering stunning panoramic views over the peaceful Steiermark countryside.
Visit the delightful village of Stattegg, known for its beautifully preserved architecture and idyllic surroundings.
Finish: Locality center
Andritz: Cycling Heaven in Steiermark

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