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Andritz - Stattegg - Zwölferkogel - Rabnitzberg - Mortantsch - Eidexberg - Lineckberg - Andritz

A gravel cycling route starting from Andritz

Embark on a thrilling gravel adventure through the scenic landscapes of Steiermark on this 57-km route starting from Andritz.


This moderate route offers a mix of picturesque mountain valleys, charming villages, and scenic viewpoints. With a total ascent of 1,570 meters, riders will experience challenging climbs and enjoyable descents. Highlights along the way include the magnificent Zwölferkogel, the historic village of Stattegg, and the panoramic views from Rabnitzberg. Suitable for intermediate riders looking for a satisfying cycling experience.

57 km
1570 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Locality center
Andritz: Cycling Heaven in Steiermark
Andritz, located in Steiermark, Austria, is a cyclist's dream destination. The region offers a variety of cycling routes, from challenging mountainous terrains to flat countryside paths. Andritz is home to the famous Schöckl mountain, a legendary climb drawing cyclists from far and wide. With its well-developed cycling infrastructure and breathtaking landscapes, Andritz is a must-visit for any cyclist seeking an exhilarating and scenic adventure.
Discover the beauty of Stattegg, a charming village surrounded by lush green hills and dotted with lovely traditional houses.
Zwölferkogel1192 mPeak
Experience a sense of tranquility as you ascend to the summit of Zwölferkogel, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains.
Rabnitzberg1142 mPeak
Ride along the scenic Rabnitzberg and soak in the stunning landscapes and the peaceful atmosphere of this idyllic spot.
Marvel at the majestic Mortantsch Castle, a beautiful historic landmark nestled amidst rolling hills.
Enjoy the thrill of descending from the top of Eidexberg while reveling in the amazing panoramic views.
Lineckberg702 mPeak
Stop by the traditional Lineckberg tavern and savor local delicacies while enjoying a front row seat to stunning natural scenery.
End your journey at Andritz, a historic district of Graz, known for its charming streets and unique architecture.
Finish: Locality center
Andritz: Cycling Heaven in Steiermark

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