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Leeuwergem Gravel Route

A gravel cycling route starting from Leeuwergem

Explore the scenic gravel roads near Leeuwergem


This gravel route near Leeuwergem takes you through picturesque countryside and charming villages. With a distance of 37 km and an ascent of 318 m, it offers a moderately challenging ride. Experience the thrill of cycling along famous highlights like Tenbosse, Leberg, Haaghoek, and Velzeke-Ruddershove. The route is perfect for gravel enthusiasts looking for a mix of natural landscapes and cultural attractions.

37 km
318 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Leeuwergem Village center
Leeuwergem: Discovering the picturesque beauty of Leeuwergem on two wheels
Leeuwergem, located in the province of Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium, is a charming locality that offers enjoyable cycling opportunities. Cyclists can explore the peaceful rural landscapes and well-maintained roads, making Leeuwergem a great destination for road and gravel cycling. While there may not be any famous cycling spots or legendary climbs in the immediate vicinity, the scenic beauty of the region will captivate cyclists.
Leeuwergem is a quaint village surrounded by green fields and farms. Take a moment to admire the tranquility and enjoy the idyllic scenery.
Tenbosse74 mPeak
Tenbosse is a popular climb known for its steep gradients and challenging terrain. Test your climbing skills or simply soak in the stunning views from the top.
Leberg99 mPeak
Leberg is a classic climb that has been featured in several professional races. Feel the adrenaline as you conquer its challenging slopes.
Haaghoek is a legendary cobblestone section often used in iconic races like the Tour of Flanders. Ride along this historic road and experience a taste of cycling history.
Velzeke-Ruddershove is a charming village with beautiful old houses and a peaceful atmosphere. Take a break and explore the local heritage before continuing your ride.
Finish: Leeuwergem Village center
Leeuwergem: Discovering the picturesque beauty of Leeuwergem on two wheels

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