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Paide - Pajusi Round Trip

A road cycling route starting from Paide

Explore the countryside and visit the center of Estonia


This round trip takes you through the beautiful Estonian countryside, starting in Paide, the historical heart of the country. Pedal your way through picturesque villages and rolling hills, enjoying the peacefulness and charm of the rural landscape. Along the route, you will encounter the town of Pajusi, known for its idyllic countryside views and traditional architecture. Don't forget to stop at the Mandri-Eesti keskpunkt (Central Point of Estonia), located about two-thirds into the route. This unique spot marks the precise geographical center of the country. For history enthusiasts, the town of Koigi offers a glimpse into Estonia's past with its medieval castle ruins.

106 km
106 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Paide City center
Paide: Exploring Estonia's countryside and historic landmarks in Paide.
Paide is located in Estonia's Eesti region and offers a mix of scenic countryside and historic landmarks. The town is surrounded by beautiful landscapes, making it a great destination for road and gravel cyclists. There are plenty of quiet roads to explore and trails to discover. Paide Castle is one of the prominent landmarks in the area, providing a glimpse into Estonia's rich history. Overall, Paide is a charming destination for cyclists looking to combine their passion for cycling with cultural exploration.
The starting point of this route is the vibrant town of Paide, which features a historic castle and a charming old town.
Peetri is a small village with well-preserved traditional Estonian architecture.
Pajusi offers stunning countryside views, surrounded by meadows and forests.
Mandri-Eesti keskpunktAttraction
Stop at the Mandri-Eesti keskpunkt and witness the exact geographical center of the country.
Koigi Castle, located in the town of Koigi, offers a glimpse into Estonia's medieval history.
Finish: Paide City center
Paide: Exploring Estonia's countryside and historic landmarks in Paide.

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