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Oru Escape

A gravel cycling route starting from Tapa

Unleash your adventurous spirit on this gravel cycling journey near Tapa


Embark on an exhilarating gravel cycling journey through the picturesque landscapes surrounding Tapa on the Oru Escape route. Covering a distance of 90 km with an ascent of 296 m, this route offers a moderate challenge suitable for well-trained amateur cyclists. Traverse off-the-beaten paths and immerse yourself in nature's embrace as you explore the idyllic countryside. Marvel at the untouched beauty of Lehtse, enjoy a peaceful break at Oru lõkkekoht, discover the hidden gems of Põima, and finally reach Tapa for a taste of rich Estonian history.

90 km
296 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Tapa City center
Tapa: Explore diverse cycling routes in scenic Tapa.
Tapa is a locality in Estonia. As a cyclist, Tapa offers diverse cycling routes with varying terrains and landscapes. The area provides options for both road and gravel cycling. Tapa has several renowned gravel paths and trails that attract gravel cyclists from around the region. With its distinct cycling offerings and picturesque landscapes, Tapa is a popular destination for both road and gravel cyclists.
Lehtse, located 10 km into the route, is known for its charming Lehtse Castle ruins. Explore the remnants of the medieval stronghold and soak in the atmosphere of its storied past.
Oru lõkkekohtPicnic Site
At the 38 km mark, you'll find Oru lõkkekoht, where you can take a scenic break and enjoy the tranquil surroundings. This spot is ideal for a relaxing picnic or bonfire with friends and fellow cyclists.
Põima, situated at the 81 km mark, offers a chance to experience a traditional Estonian village. Immerse yourself in the local culture, visit the village's wooden church, and take a moment to appreciate the simplicity of rural life.
As you reach Tapa after 90 km of cycling, explore the Tapa Train Station, which served as an important transportation hub during crucial periods in Estonian history, particularly during World War II.
Finish: Tapa City center
Tapa: Explore diverse cycling routes in scenic Tapa.

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