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Lasila-Väike-Maarja-Lasinurme-Emumäe-Piibe-Varangu-Nõmmküla-Tapa Route

A road cycling route starting from Tapa

Embark on an epic cycling journey exploring historical landmarks and breathtaking landscapes.


Embark on a 136-kilometer road cycling adventure starting from Tapa. This route will take you through Lasila, Väike-Maarja, Lasinurme, Emumäe, Piibe, Varangu, Nõmmküla, and finally returning to Tapa. With a challenging ascent of 327 meters, this route is best suited for experienced and well-trained cyclists. The overall epicness of the route is rated 4, offering a mix of historical landmarks and stunning countryside views. Highlights along the way include the grand Lasila manor house, the charming Väike-Maarja town, the historical Lasinurme village, the picturesque Emumäe hill, the captivating Piibe railway bridge, Varangu cliff views, the idyllic Nõmmküla village, and finally returning to Tapa.

136 km
327 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Tapa City center
Tapa: Explore diverse cycling routes in scenic Tapa.
Tapa is a locality in Estonia. As a cyclist, Tapa offers diverse cycling routes with varying terrains and landscapes. The area provides options for both road and gravel cycling. Tapa has several renowned gravel paths and trails that attract gravel cyclists from around the region. With its distinct cycling offerings and picturesque landscapes, Tapa is a popular destination for both road and gravel cyclists.
Lasila mõisa peahooneAttraction
Lasila manor house is a grand architectural gem nestled in a picturesque location. Admire its elegance and soak in the impressive surroundings.
Väike-Maarja is a charming town with a rich history. Explore its historical buildings and immerse yourself in the local culture.
Lasinurme is a small village known for its well-preserved 19th-century wooden buildings. Take a moment to appreciate the traditional Estonian architecture.
Emumäe is a scenic hill providing panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Enjoy a moment of tranquility at this elevated spot.
Piibe railway bridge is an iconic Estonian landmark, spanning over the picturesque Piibe River. Capture the beauty of the landscape from the bridge.
Varangu offers stunning cliff views and a rugged natural landscape. Immerse yourself in the raw beauty of this unique location.
Nõmmküla is a charming village surrounded by forests and beautiful landscapes. Enjoy a peaceful cycling path through this idyllic location.
Tapa is a small town with a rich history. Visit the Tapa Train Station and learn about its significance during the Soviet occupation.
Finish: Tapa City center
Tapa: Explore diverse cycling routes in scenic Tapa.

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