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Ultimate Gravel Adventure to Ketroväärä

A gravel cycling route starting from Parikkala

Embark on a challenging 115 km gravel adventure from Parikkala to Ketroväärä, experiencing the spectacular beauty of the region.


Indulge in the ultimate gravel adventure spanning 115 km from Parikkala to Ketroväärä. This route offers a demanding ascent of 945 meters, making it ideal for experienced cyclists seeking a formidable challenge. Discover breathtaking highlights such as Сювяоро, Эстерло, Останлахти, Мюллюмяки, Алхо, and Кетроваара, each offering unique views and a profound connection with nature. Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage and captivating landscapes of Parikkala. This epic route is guaranteed to provide a memorable cycling experience for adventurers looking for legendary climbs and unforgettable vistas.

115 km
945 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Parikkala City center
Parikkala: Nature and art combined in Parikkala
Parikkala is a town located in Etelä-Suomi, Finland. It offers a delightful cycling experience for both road and gravel cyclists. The town is characterized by beautiful lakes and forests, providing scenic routes and nature-filled rides. Cyclists can explore Nukari Farm, a popular spot known for its picturesque landscapes and traditional Finnish farm life. Additionally, Parikkala is home to the Parikkala Sculpture Park, which showcases unique art installations amidst nature. Overall, Parikkala is a recommended destination for cyclists seeking a peaceful and cultural cycling adventure.
Begin your incredible journey in Parikkala, renowned for its cultural heritage and exceptional landscapes.
Сювяоро boasts awe-inspiring views and offers an immersive experience amidst pristine natural surroundings.
Immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of Эстерло and enjoy the serenity of the area.
Visit Останлахти and witness its alluring beauty along with captivating landscapes that will leave you in awe.
Мюллюмяки89 mPeak
Mülluymiäki provides a unique opportunity to observe stunning landscapes and encounter native wildlife during your journey.
Алхо is a notable highlight that captivates cyclists with its enchanted beauty and tranquil ambiance.
Ketroväärä is a must-visit destination, offering cyclists majestic views and a sense of triumph upon arrival.
Finish: Parikkala City center
Parikkala: Nature and art combined in Parikkala

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