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The Lakeside Escape

A road cycling route starting from Parikkala

Experience the beauty of the Finnish lakes on this road cycling route near Parikkala


Get ready to be mesmerized by the breathtaking lakeside views as you pedal through this scenic road cycling route near Parikkala. This intermediate level route covers a distance of 78 km with an ascent of 657 meters. You'll have the chance to explore highlights such as Särkisalmi, a charming lakeside town, and Saari, known for its beautiful landscapes. With its stunning scenery and moderate difficulty level, this route is ideal for adventure seekers looking for a peaceful and picturesque cycling experience.

78 km
657 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Parikkala City center
Parikkala: Nature and art combined in Parikkala
Parikkala is a town located in Etelä-Suomi, Finland. It offers a delightful cycling experience for both road and gravel cyclists. The town is characterized by beautiful lakes and forests, providing scenic routes and nature-filled rides. Cyclists can explore Nukari Farm, a popular spot known for its picturesque landscapes and traditional Finnish farm life. Additionally, Parikkala is home to the Parikkala Sculpture Park, which showcases unique art installations amidst nature. Overall, Parikkala is a recommended destination for cyclists seeking a peaceful and cultural cycling adventure.
Särkisalmi is a charming lakeside town known for its picturesque surroundings and tranquil atmosphere. Take a break and enjoy the serenity of the lake views before continuing your cycling journey.
Saari is a small village known for its idyllic landscapes and peaceful atmosphere. It's a great spot for a quick stop, especially if you appreciate the beauty of Finnish countryside.
Parikkala, the starting point of this route, offers a glimpse into Finnish rural life. Explore the local culture and enjoy the hospitality of the locals as you embark on your cycling adventure.
Finish: Parikkala City center
Parikkala: Nature and art combined in Parikkala

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