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Lokalahti Exploration on Two Wheels

A road cycling route starting from Taivassalo

Embark on an adventurous road cycling journey to discover the hidden gems of Lokalahti near Taivassalo.


This exciting road cycling route covers a distance of 60 kilometers with an ascent of 161 meters. Traveling through diverse landscapes, you will pass by Lokalahti and its enchanting surroundings. This route offers a unique opportunity to explore lesser-known areas near Taivassalo while enjoying thrilling cycling experiences.

60 km
161 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Taivassalo City center
Taivassalo: Uncover the natural wonders of Taivassalo while cycling through its charming countryside.
Taivassalo, located in the Etelä-Suomi region of Finland, offers a tranquil and picturesque setting for road and gravel cyclists. The locality is known for its idyllic countryside roads, winding through forests and along the coastline. Cyclists can enjoy peaceful rides and scenic views of the Baltic Sea. Taivassalo is also situated near the famous Haidisvaara climb, offering a challenging ascent for those seeking an adrenaline rush. With its serene landscapes and cycling-friendly atmosphere, Taivassalo is a hidden gem for cyclists looking to explore the beauty of Finland.
Commence your ride in Taivassalo and take in the awe-inspiring landscapes before reaching Lokalahti.
Discover Lokalahti, a hidden gem known for its pristine beaches and charming coastal atmosphere.
Vehmaan kirkonkyläVillage
As you cycle towards Vehmaan kirkonkylä, enjoy the scenic countryside views and soak in the peaceful atmosphere.
The town of Muntti offers breathtaking vistas of the surrounding nature reserves and is a perfect spot to rest and refuel.
Finish: Taivassalo City center
Taivassalo: Uncover the natural wonders of Taivassalo while cycling through its charming countryside.

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