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Coastal Road Cycling

A road cycling route starting from Uusikaupunki

Experience the stunning coastal scenery of Etelä-Suomi


Embark on a breathtaking road cycling adventure along the scenic coast of Etelä-Suomi, Finland. This 131-kilometer route with an ascent of 322 meters offers a perfect blend of challenging climbs, rolling hills, and stunning coastal views. Begin your journey in Pyhäranta, a charming coastal village with tranquil beaches and rugged cliffs. Along the way, don't miss Lappi, a picturesque village known for its traditional wooden houses and unspoiled nature. Continue your adventure to Ryssänvuori, a beautiful scenic overlook with panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. As you approach Kalanti, be prepared to be amazed by the ancient stone formations and mystical ambiance. Finally, complete your epic journey in Uusikaupunki, a charming town with a rich history and vibrant cultural scene.

131 km
322 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Uusikaupunki City center
Uusikaupunki: Coastal cycling and maritime history in Uusikaupunki.
Uusikaupunki is a town located in the Etelä-Suomi region of Finland. From a cyclist's perspective, Uusikaupunki offers various cycling routes suitable for both road and gravel cyclists. The town is situated near the Archipelago Sea, providing stunning coastal views along the cycling routes. While the region does not have any famous climbs, the undulating terrain offers an enjoyable cycling experience. Uusikaupunki is also known for its rich maritime history, offering attractions such as wooden boat-building museums. The town provides amenities for cyclists, including bike rentals and repair shops. Overall, Uusikaupunki is a cyclist-friendly destination with beautiful coastal scenery and cultural landmarks.
Pyhäranta is a hidden gem along the coast, offering pristine sandy beaches and mesmerizing sunset views. Take a break and dip your toes in the refreshing waters of the Baltic Sea.
Lappi is a quaint village surrounded by picturesque countryside. Cycle through beautiful meadows and lush forests as you make your way through this charming destination.
Ryssänvuori50 mPeak
Ryssänvuori is a must-visit spot for panoramic views of the coastal landscape. Climb to the top and marvel at the breathtaking beauty that stretches as far as the eye can see.
Kalanti is a mysterious and enchanting place renowned for its ancient stone formations called 'seinävuoret.' Wander through these surreal rock walls and let your imagination run wild.
Uusikaupunki, also known as Nystad, is a charming coastal town with a rich maritime history. Discover the Maritime Center Vellamo and learn about the region's seafaring past.
Finish: Uusikaupunki City center
Uusikaupunki: Coastal cycling and maritime history in Uusikaupunki.

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