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Scenic Countryside Loop

A road cycling route starting from Uusikaupunki

Experience the beauty of Etelä-Suomi's countryside on this scenic road cycling loop.


Take in the breathtaking beauty of the Finnish countryside as you embark on this scenic road cycling loop. With highlights including Kalanti, Laitila, Karjala, and Uusikaupunki, this route offers a diverse mix of landscapes and cultural attractions. Prepare for challenging climbs and thrilling descents as you pedal through well-paved roads and immerse yourself in the natural splendor surrounding you. Stop and explore the historic village of Kalanti, known for its well-preserved wooden houses and traditional Finnish atmosphere. Conquer the charming town of Laitila, with its unique blend of historical charm and vibrant modern appeal. Complete your journey in Uusikaupunki, a lively coastal town renowned for its maritime heritage and stunning coastal views.

130 km
360 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Uusikaupunki City center
Uusikaupunki: Coastal cycling and maritime history in Uusikaupunki.
Uusikaupunki is a town located in the Etelä-Suomi region of Finland. From a cyclist's perspective, Uusikaupunki offers various cycling routes suitable for both road and gravel cyclists. The town is situated near the Archipelago Sea, providing stunning coastal views along the cycling routes. While the region does not have any famous climbs, the undulating terrain offers an enjoyable cycling experience. Uusikaupunki is also known for its rich maritime history, offering attractions such as wooden boat-building museums. The town provides amenities for cyclists, including bike rentals and repair shops. Overall, Uusikaupunki is a cyclist-friendly destination with beautiful coastal scenery and cultural landmarks.
Visit Kalanti, a picturesque village famous for its well-preserved wooden houses and rich cultural history.
Make a stop in Laitila, a historic town that perfectly exemplifies the harmonious coexistence of tradition and modernity in Finnish culture.
Cycle through the beautiful landscapes of Karjala, known for its scenic countryside and peaceful ambiance.
End your journey in Uusikaupunki, a vibrant coastal town with stunning views, picturesque streets, and a vibrant cultural scene.
Finish: Uusikaupunki City center
Uusikaupunki: Coastal cycling and maritime history in Uusikaupunki.

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