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Mäntsälä - Horsmankallio - Martinkylä - Kerava - Lintutorni - Kellokoski - Hirvihaara

A gravel cycling route starting from Maentsaelae

Embark on a thrilling gravel route from Mäntsälä that takes you through key attractions like Horsmankallio, Kerava, and the scenic Lintutorni lookout tower.


This gravel cycling route starting from Mäntsälä offers an adventurous journey with a moderate ascent of 155 meters over a distance of 85 kilometers. The route is suitable for experienced gravel cyclists seeking a mix of challenging terrain and beautiful landscapes. Highlights include Horsmankallio, known for its stunning rock formations, and the Lintutorni lookout tower, offering panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Other attractions along the route include the historic towns of Kerava and Kellokoski, each offering unique charms and cultural sites. Concluding the route is the picturesque village of Hirvihaara, known for its tranquil natural surroundings. Overall, this gravel route provides a thrilling cycling experience with an excellent balance of natural and cultural attractions.

85 km
155 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Mäntsälä City center
Mäntsälä: Scenic cycling routes through picturesque forests and charming countryside.
Mäntsälä, located in the Helsinki-Uusimaa region of Finland, is a wonderful destination for road and gravel cyclists. The town offers a mix of flat and rolling terrains, providing options for various cycling preferences. Cyclists can enjoy scenic routes through forests, farmlands, and charming countryside landscapes. The nearby Nurmijärvi Lake adds to the beauty of the area, offering opportunities for lakeside cycling adventures. With its variety of cycling routes and natural beauty, Mäntsälä attracts cyclists looking for an immersive outdoor experience.
Mäntsälä is the starting point for the gravel adventure, with its peaceful rural atmosphere and historic landmarks.
Horsmankallio108 mPeak
Horsmankallio features impressive rock formations that are visually striking and offer a challenging terrain for gravel cyclists.
Located in Martinkylä, this stop allows a visit to the local shops and cafes, offering a chance to relax and refuel during the journey.
Kerava is a lively town with a vibrant arts scene and historic buildings, making it an interesting place to explore during the ride.
The Lintutorni lookout tower offers breathtaking views of the surrounding forest and nearby lakes, giving cyclists a chance to unwind and take in the scenery.
Kellokoski is a historical village known for its picturesque mills and idyllic countryside, providing a picturesque break before continuing the gravel journey.
Hirvihaara is a charming village surrounded by lush nature, making it an ideal spot for a peaceful stop and a perfect ending to the gravel adventure.
Finish: Mäntsälä City center
Mäntsälä: Scenic cycling routes through picturesque forests and charming countryside.

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