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Mäntsälä - Pornainen - Nickby gård - Paippinen - Koivurinne - Seurojentalo

A road cycling route starting from Maentsaelae

A scenic road cycling route passing through the beautiful towns of Pornainen, Nickby gård, Paippinen, Koivurinne, and Seurojentalo.


This road cycling route starts from Mäntsälä and takes you through picturesque towns with charming scenery. With a moderate ascent of 178 meters and a distance of 78 kilometers, this route is suitable for well-trained amateur cyclists. The route offers a diverse range of landscapes, from rolling hills to peaceful rural areas. Throughout the journey, you will encounter multiple highlights, including the historic Seurojentalo, a must-visit attraction. Overall, this route provides an enjoyable cycling experience in the Helsinki-Uusimaa region.

78 km
178 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Mäntsälä City center
Mäntsälä: Scenic cycling routes through picturesque forests and charming countryside.
Mäntsälä, located in the Helsinki-Uusimaa region of Finland, is a wonderful destination for road and gravel cyclists. The town offers a mix of flat and rolling terrains, providing options for various cycling preferences. Cyclists can enjoy scenic routes through forests, farmlands, and charming countryside landscapes. The nearby Nurmijärvi Lake adds to the beauty of the area, offering opportunities for lakeside cycling adventures. With its variety of cycling routes and natural beauty, Mäntsälä attracts cyclists looking for an immersive outdoor experience.
The town of Pornainen offers a pleasant break with its charming atmosphere and traditional Finnish architecture.
Nickby gårdHamlet
Visit the iconic Nickby gård manor, known for its beautiful gardens and historical significance.
Paippinen is a small village renowned for its traditional wooden houses and tranquil surroundings, perfect for a peaceful stopover.
Koivurinne90 mPeak
Koivurinne is a scenic location with its picturesque countryside vistas and enchanting forests.
Seurojentalo is a well-preserved historic building that showcases local cultural heritage and hosts various events throughout the year.
Finish: Mäntsälä City center
Mäntsälä: Scenic cycling routes through picturesque forests and charming countryside.

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