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Hämeenkyrö Gravel Adventure with Scenic Stops

A gravel cycling route starting from Haemeenkyroe

Immerse yourself in a gravel adventure through Hämeenkyrö with scenic stops along the way.


Immerse yourself in a thrilling gravel adventure through Hämeenkyrö, featuring scenic stops that showcase the natural beauty of the region. Experience the thrill of covering a total distance of 70km, tackling both challenging terrain and rewarding views. Starting in Hämeenkyrö, a historic town of architectural wonders, this route takes you through breathtaking landscapes. Along the way, take a break at Tyyttikivi, an ancient rock formation that offers a unique geological view. Otamuksen laavu provides an opportunity to rest and enjoy the tranquility of your surroundings. Don't miss out on Jyränvuori, a hill offering panoramic vistas. Finally, reach Mouhijärvi, a hidden gem with its own charm and character.

70 km
437 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Hämeenkyrö City center
Hämeenkyrö: Cycling through the natural beauty of Hämeenkyrö
Hämeenkyrö, located in the region of Länsi-Suomi, Finland, offers an excellent cycling experience for road and gravel cyclists. The locality encompasses picturesque landscapes, including forests, lakes, and rolling hills, perfect for cycling enthusiasts. While there are no famous cycling-related spots or well-known climbs nearby, Hämeenkyrö provides a beautiful backdrop for cyclists to immerse themselves in nature and enjoy peaceful rides.
Explore the historical town of Hämeenkyrö, known for its magnificent architecture and cultural heritage.
Discover Tyyttikivi, an ancient rock formation that tells the story of the region's geological past.
Otamuksen laavuShelter
Rest at Otamuksen laavu, a shelter with beautiful surroundings perfect for a moment of relaxation.
Jyränvuori179 mPeak
Visit Jyränvuori, a hill with breathtaking panoramic views that will leave you in awe.
Embrace the serenity of Karkku, a picturesque area with stunning natural landscapes.
Discover Mouhijärvi, a hidden gem with its own unique cultural attractions and small-town charm.
Finish: Hämeenkyrö City center
Hämeenkyrö: Cycling through the natural beauty of Hämeenkyrö

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