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Reijola and Hammaslahti Scenic Ride

A road cycling route starting from Raeaekkylae

Embark on a scenic road ride through Reijola and Hammaslahti


Immerse yourself in the captivating landscapes of Reijola and Hammaslahti on this scenic road ride. As you cycle through picturesque villages and lush forests, you'll be treated to stunning lake views and serene natural surroundings. With moderate ascents and descents, this route offers a pleasing challenge for cyclists of varying skill levels. Don't miss the opportunity to discover the historical sites along the way, including Hukanhauta with its fascinating stories. Revel in the tranquility and nature's beauty during this delightful cycling adventure.

118 km
461 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Rääkkylä City center
Rääkkylä: Discover the beauty of Finland on the extensive cycling routes in Rääkkylä.
Rääkkylä, located in the Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi region of Finland, is a cyclist's paradise. This locality is known for its extensive network of well-maintained cycling routes that cater to both road and gravel cyclists. The breathtaking natural beauty surrounding Rääkkylä makes every ride a memorable experience. Cyclists here can enjoy the peaceful lakeside views, lush forests, and picturesque villages along their routes. Rääkkylä is also famous for hosting the annual Rääkkylä Enduro Challenge, a popular gravel cycling event that attracts participants from all over the world. With its cyclist-friendly infrastructure and stunning landscapes, Rääkkylä is a must-visit destination for any cycling enthusiast.
Experience the peaceful atmosphere and scenic views at Reijola
Explore the captivating nature and intriguing stories of Hukanhauta
Indulge in the charming allure and lakeside vistas of Hammaslahti
Finish: Rääkkylä City center
Rääkkylä: Discover the beauty of Finland on the extensive cycling routes in Rääkkylä.

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