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Suomussalmi Gravel Cycling Route

A gravel cycling route starting from Suomussalmi

Explore the gravel roads around Suomussalmi and discover the beauty of The Silent People


Suomussalmi Gravel Cycling Route is a scenic 86-km loop that takes you through picturesque landscapes, showcasing the natural beauty of Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi. This route is perfect for gravel enthusiasts who want to escape the crowds and immerse themselves in the Finnish wilderness. Along the way, you will encounter The Silent People, a unique and intriguing art installation that blends seamlessly into the surrounding countryside. Ascent_m: 436m

86 km
436 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Suomussalmi City center
Suomussalmi: Suomussalmi: Nature's Cycling Wonderland with Karhunkierros Trail
Suomussalmi, situated in the Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi region of Finland, offers an excellent experience for road and gravel cyclists. The surrounding area is characterized by vast forests, serene lakes, and peaceful countryside roads, providing an opportunity for immersive nature-based rides. Suomussalmi is also home to the legendary Karhunkierros Trail, which attracts hikers and bikers seeking a challenging adventure. With its stunning natural beauty and unique cycling routes, Suomussalmi receives a rank of 5.
Visit Suomussalmi, a charming Finnish town renowned for its rich history and cultural heritage.
The Silent PeopleAttraction
Explore The Silent People, a thought-provoking art installation that reflects the Finnish spirit and commemorates the hardworking farmers of the region.
Ämmänsaari, a tranquil island located on Lake Ontojärvi, offers a perfect spot for a peaceful break and scenic views.
Finish: Suomussalmi City center
Suomussalmi: Suomussalmi: Nature's Cycling Wonderland with Karhunkierros Trail

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