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Gravel Adventure near Suomussalmi

A gravel cycling route starting from Suomussalmi

Embark on a thrilling gravel adventure near Suomussalmi and discover The Silent People


The Gravel Adventure near Suomussalmi covers an 84-kilometer route that promises excitement and adventure for gravel enthusiasts. Experience the untamed wilderness of Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi as you navigate through gravel roads that offer stunning views and challenging terrain. Along the route, make sure to discover The Silent People, an enigmatic art installation that evokes both curiosity and contemplation. Ascending a total of 429 meters adds an extra element of challenge and satisfaction to the journey.

84 km
429 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Suomussalmi City center
Suomussalmi: Suomussalmi: Nature's Cycling Wonderland with Karhunkierros Trail
Suomussalmi, situated in the Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi region of Finland, offers an excellent experience for road and gravel cyclists. The surrounding area is characterized by vast forests, serene lakes, and peaceful countryside roads, providing an opportunity for immersive nature-based rides. Suomussalmi is also home to the legendary Karhunkierros Trail, which attracts hikers and bikers seeking a challenging adventure. With its stunning natural beauty and unique cycling routes, Suomussalmi receives a rank of 5.
Begin your journey from Suomussalmi, a small but vibrant Finnish town with a rich history.
The Silent PeopleAttraction
Witness The Silent People, an eerie yet captivating art installation that captures the imagination.
Ämmänsaari, an idyllic island on Lake Ontojärvi, provides an ideal setting for a memorable break and scenic photography opportunities.
Finish: Suomussalmi City center
Suomussalmi: Suomussalmi: Nature's Cycling Wonderland with Karhunkierros Trail

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