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Challenging Road Cycling Tour near Amanlis (Bretagne, France)

A road cycling route starting from Amanlis

Embark on a challenging road cycling tour featuring breathtaking landscapes and hidden wonders.


This 97 km road cycling tour near Amanlis offers both delighted joy and challenging sections to push the limits of experienced cyclists. With an elevation gain of 838 meters, this route includes thrilling climbs and fast descents that will test your endurance. Janzé, known for its picturesque countryside, is a great starting point for this tour. The route passes through La Bosse-de-Bretagne, a tranquil village nestled amidst rolling hills, and Guipry, where the striking Château de Guipry offers a glimpse into the rich local history. As you approach the end of the tour, don't miss the opportunity to visit Manoir de Saint-Armel, whose impressive architecture is a true marvel.

97 km
838 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Amanlis Village center
Amanlis: Undulating landscapes and challenging climbs make Amanlis a hidden gem for cyclists.
Amanlis, situated in the Bretagne region of France, is a charming locality that offers delightful cycling opportunities. The town and its surroundings are known for their undulating landscapes and picturesque countryside, which provide a scenic backdrop for your rides. Amanlis attracts road and gravel cyclists with its smooth roads and low traffic, making it a pleasant and safe environment for biking. Nearby, cyclists can explore the famous climbs of "Côte de Montaigu" and "Côte Plesse", which offer challenging ascents and rewarding views. Amanlis is a hidden gem for cycling enthusiasts.
Janzé's beautiful and serene countryside serves as the perfect backdrop for an exhilarating cycling experience.
La Bosse-de-BretagneVillage
La Bosse-de-Bretagne, with its charming scenery and winding roads, offers a challenging but rewarding segment on the route.
Guipry, located on the Vilaine River, leaves a lasting impression with its striking medieval castle, Château de Guipry.
Guichen's idyllic setting and tranquil atmosphere provide a welcome respite for cyclists along the tour.
Manoir de Saint-ArmelCastle
Manoir de Saint-Armel is a remarkable manor house showcasing exceptional architectural features and a fascinating history.
Finish: Amanlis Village center
Amanlis: Undulating landscapes and challenging climbs make Amanlis a hidden gem for cyclists.

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