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Scenic Views and Historical Sites in Amanlis

A road cycling route starting from Amanlis

Explore the charming countryside and discover historic towns


This round-trip cycling route takes you through the picturesque region near Amanlis in Bretagne, France. The route covers a distance of 100 kilometers with a total ascent of 766 meters. Expect to encounter beautiful landscapes and stunning views along the way. The route combines both road sections and gravel paths, providing a diverse and exciting cycling experience. Explore the highlights of Brie, Le Sel-de-Bretagne, Guipry, Lohéac, Guichen, Vern-sur-Seiche, and Veneffles, each offering its unique charm and cultural significance. With a difficulty level of 3 out of 5, this route is suitable for well-trained amateur cyclists who are comfortable with moderate hills and relatively long distances. While the route does not feature any legendary climbs or famous cycling spots, it presents a combination of scenic countryside views, historic sites, and charming towns, ensuring an overall enjoyable and memorable cycling experience. Don't miss out on the chance to immerse yourself in the beauty of Bretagne and discover lesser-known gems along the way.

100 km
766 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Amanlis Village center
Amanlis: Undulating landscapes and challenging climbs make Amanlis a hidden gem for cyclists.
Amanlis, situated in the Bretagne region of France, is a charming locality that offers delightful cycling opportunities. The town and its surroundings are known for their undulating landscapes and picturesque countryside, which provide a scenic backdrop for your rides. Amanlis attracts road and gravel cyclists with its smooth roads and low traffic, making it a pleasant and safe environment for biking. Nearby, cyclists can explore the famous climbs of "Côte de Montaigu" and "Côte Plesse", which offer challenging ascents and rewarding views. Amanlis is a hidden gem for cycling enthusiasts.
Experience the picturesque village of Brie and admire its well-preserved architecture.
Le Sel-de-BretagneVillage
Visit Le Sel-de-Bretagne and learn about its rich history as a former salt trading center.
Discover the charming town of Guipry and take a stroll along its scenic riverfront.
Explore the automobile-themed village of Lohéac and admire its collection of vintage cars.
Pass through the pleasant town of Guichen with its charming streets and traditional architectures.
Visit Vern-sur-Seiche and appreciate its well-preserved medieval quarter.
Pass by the small town of Veneffles and enjoy the tranquil atmosphere of the countryside.
Finish: Amanlis Village center
Amanlis: Undulating landscapes and challenging climbs make Amanlis a hidden gem for cyclists.

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