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A Ride Through Nature's Beauty

A gravel cycling route starting from La Couture-Boussey

Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Haute-Normandie on this picturesque gravel route near La Couture-Boussey


Indulge in the natural beauty of Haute-Normandie as you navigate through this picturesque gravel route. With a difficulty level for well-trained amateurs, the 73 km route includes an ascent of 439 meters. Highlights of this ride include La Couture-Boussey, Guainville, Saint-Lubin-de-la-Haye, Butte de Beauterne, Les Pinthières, Raville, Mont Sinaï, and Ézy-sur-Eure. This route offers a perfect blend of nature and tranquility, making it a favorite among gravel cycling enthusiasts.

73 km
439 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: La Couture-Boussey Village center
La Couture-Boussey: Exploring the scenic charm of La Couture-Boussey on two wheels.
La Couture-Boussey, situated in Haute-Normandie, France, offers a picturesque cycling experience for both road and gravel cyclists. The region boasts stunning landscapes and tranquil settings, perfect for enjoying long rides. La Couture-Boussey is known for its proximity to an iconic cycling spot, the remarkable climb of Côte de la Presles, which presents a challenging ascent and rewards riders with breathtaking views at the peak. With its charming countryside and notable cycling spots, La Couture-Boussey attracts cyclists seeking a mix of natural beauty and thrilling climbs.
La Couture-BousseyVillage
La Couture-Boussey serves as the starting point and provides access to numerous gravel trails, surrounded by idyllic countryside scenery.
Guainville is known for its lush green pastures and breathtaking landscapes that will leave cyclists in awe of nature's beauty.
Saint-Lubin-de-la-Haye offers a refreshing stopover with charming views of rolling hills and vibrant meadows.
Butte de Beauterne175 mPeak
Butte de Beauterne stands tall with its commanding presence, granting panoramic vistas that reward cyclists upon reaching the top.
Les PinthièresVillage
Les Pinthières provides cyclists with a peaceful refuge amidst picturesque farmlands, creating a truly immersive experience.
Raville offers an enchanting atmosphere with its captivating countryside landscapes and idyllic rural setting.
Mont Sinaï132 mPeak
Mont Sinaï challenges riders with its hilly terrain and promises breathtaking views that make the effort worthwhile.
Ézy-sur-Eure offers a serene environment with its quaint villages and scenic routes along the Eure river, providing an unforgettable cycling experience.
Finish: La Couture-Boussey Village center
La Couture-Boussey: Exploring the scenic charm of La Couture-Boussey on two wheels.

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