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Secret Gems of Ile-de-France

A gravel cycling route starting from Ablon-sur-Seine

Discover the hidden gems of Ile-de-France on this scenic gravel cycling route


This 53 km gravel cycling route takes you through hidden gems of Ile-de-France, starting near Ablon-sur-Seine. With 165 meters of ascent, this route provides a moderate challenge for gravel enthusiasts. Along the way, you will pass highlights such as Villeneuve-Saint-Georges, a historical town with its medieval fortress and charming old town. Limeil-Brévannes offers picturesque landscapes and beautiful parks, creating a peaceful and scenic atmosphere. Férolles-Attilly is home to unique attractions like the ornamental gardens of Château de Férolles and its annual Medieval Festivities. Boussy-Saint-Antoine showcases its rich history and beautiful church. Montgeron offers a mix of natural beauty and cultural attractions, making it a perfect stop during the gravel ride.

53 km
165 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Ablon-sur-Seine Village center
Ablon-sur-Seine: Tranquil cycling getaway in Ile-de-France
Ablon-sur-Seine, located in the Ile-de-France region of France, is not known as a major cycling destination. However, cyclists can still explore the scenic routes along the Seine River and enjoy rides through the countryside. The terrain is mostly flat, making it more suitable for leisurely rides or beginners. While Ablon-sur-Seine may not offer renowned climbs or cycling-specific amenities, it can serve as a calm base for exploring the Ile-de-France region and its nearby attractions.
Villeneuve-Saint-Georges is a historical town with its medieval fortress and charming old town, offering a unique experience for gravel enthusiasts.
Limeil-Brévannes offers picturesque landscapes and beautiful parks, creating a peaceful and scenic atmosphere for gravel riders to enjoy.
Férolles-Attilly is known for its ornamental gardens of Château de Férolles and the annual Medieval Festivities, providing a unique cultural experience along the gravel route.
Boussy-Saint-Antoine showcases its rich history through its well-preserved buildings and the beautiful Saint-Leu-Saint-Gilles Church.
Montgeron offers a mix of natural beauty and cultural attractions, including the picturesque Espace Pierre Bérégovoy and charming streets, making it a memorable stop during the gravel ride.
Finish: Ablon-sur-Seine Village center
Ablon-sur-Seine: Tranquil cycling getaway in Ile-de-France

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