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The Hill Challenge

A road cycling route starting from Ablon-sur-Seine

Embark on a thrilling cycling journey that will test your climbing skills and take you to scenic hilltops near Ablon-sur-Seine.


The Hill Challenge route is designed for adventurous cyclists seeking a thrilling climbing experience near Ablon-sur-Seine. With a total distance of 96 kilometers and an ascent of 614 meters, this road cycling route provides a challenging test for experienced riders. Along the way, you will encounter breathtaking landscapes and discover charming towns with rich cultural heritage. Don't miss the chance to visit the fascinating town of Belvédére and admire its spectacular viewpoints. Explore the historical landmarks of Égly and learn about its unique history. As you continue, make sure to visit Longjumeau, a vibrant town known for its lively atmosphere. Finally, end your journey in Rungis and enjoy its diverse culinary scene.

96 km
614 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Villeneuve-le-Roi City center
Ablon-sur-Seine: Tranquil cycling getaway in Ile-de-France
Ablon-sur-Seine, located in the Ile-de-France region of France, is not known as a major cycling destination. However, cyclists can still explore the scenic routes along the Seine River and enjoy rides through the countryside. The terrain is mostly flat, making it more suitable for leisurely rides or beginners. While Ablon-sur-Seine may not offer renowned climbs or cycling-specific amenities, it can serve as a calm base for exploring the Ile-de-France region and its nearby attractions.
Follow the bike path towards Pistes and enjoy the serene natural surroundings along the way.
Pass through Athis-Mons and enjoy its beautiful views of the Seine River.
Cycle through Ris-Orangis and discover its charming streets and local attractions.
Visit Itteville and take in the beauty of its picturesque countryside.
Experience the unique ambiance of Auvers-Saint-Georges and explore its historical landmarks.
Discover the stunning viewpoints of Belvédére, offering panoramic views of the surrounding area.
Explore the historical town of Égly and learn about its fascinating history.
Visit Longjumeau and enjoy its vibrant atmosphere, lively markets, and charming streets.
End your journey in Rungis, famous for its diverse culinary scene and fresh produce markets.
Finish: Villeneuve-le-Roi City center
Ablon-sur-Seine: Tranquil cycling getaway in Ile-de-France

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