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Gravel Hinterland Escape

A gravel cycling route starting from Noisy-le-Sec

Venture into the picturesque countryside outskirts of Noisy-le-Sec


Embark on a challenging gravel route that takes you through the scenic countryside surrounding Noisy-le-Sec, with varied terrains and enchanting landscapes. This route is suitable for experienced cyclists seeking a thrilling off-road adventure.

94 km
437 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Noisy-le-Sec City center
Noisy-le-Sec: Uncover the diversity of Noisy-le-Sec through cycling adventures
Noisy-le-Sec is a locality situated in the Ile-de-France region of France. From a cyclist's perspective, Noisy-le-Sec offers a blend of urban and rural cycling routes. Cyclists can enjoy exploring the scenic canals and green pathways that crisscross the locality. The area is also in close proximity to the famous Côte des Gardes climb, which poses a thrilling challenge for cyclists seeking a formidable ascent. Noisy-le-Sec provides a unique mix of city sights and natural beauty for cyclists to discover.
Begin your journey in Noisy-le-Sec, a charming town with a rich industrial past.
SEPECAT Jaguar A n°91Attraction
Spot the SEPECAT Jaguar A n°91, a decommissioned military aircraft displayed at a unique open-air museum.
Pass through Fontenay-en-Parisis, a peaceful village known for its lush greenery and charming medieval architecture.
Cross the picturesque Pontarmé, offering stunning views of the Oise River.
Cycle through Moussy-le-Neuf, a charming town surrounded by serene countryside.
Explore Compans, a small village with a rich heritage, including the beautiful Saint-Denis Church.
Pass through Bondy, a lively suburb with a mix of modern architecture and historic landmarks.
Finish: Noisy-le-Sec City center
Noisy-le-Sec: Uncover the diversity of Noisy-le-Sec through cycling adventures

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